

Down By the Boardwalk

Down By the BoardwalkWe have such a beautiful area here at Navarre Beach but there is more than meets the eye. While many take in the sun and enjoy the beautiful beaches and ocean, there is so much more to see and discover. Gain some of the insights of our area and become all the more wiser about what sits before you as you enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.

This week, Sunday, January 25th, head over to the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station for a guided nature walk. The Down By the Boardwalk program takes you on a tour, walking along the dune, marsh and swash zone ecosystems. The walk gives you the opportunity to see parts of our area and learn about each ecosystem. Discover and collect shells as you walk learning about each shell you find and those that may not be so visible. Not only do you get to have fun but you learn at the same time.

The program begins at 12 noon and lasts until 2 pm. The cost is $15 per person which includes a handmade shell collecting bag as well as a guide to the local shells. For information and registration visit the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station online.